Using the Hitachi Connector

To configure the Hitachi Connector:

  1. Open the File menu and select Options.

    The application options dialog opens.

  2. Select the Add-Ins on the left of the dialog to access the Hitachi Connector options.


Server IP Address: This option needs to be set to the IP address of the Hitachi EM software to provide a network connection.

Client Port: This option allows the client connection port to be changed. It should not need to be modified from the default value under normal conditions.

Data Transfer Port: This option allows the data transfer port to be changed. It should not need to be modified from the default value under normal conditions.

Control Command Port: This option allows the control command port to be changed. It should not need to be modified from the default value under normal conditions.

Enable EM Control: Select this option for advanced Hitachi EM control. Contact your Hitachi representative for more details.

Data Rate (MB): This option should be set to the logical data rate of the network connection in MB.

Safety Factor: This option should be increased if network timeout errors occur frequently.


Reset to Default: This button will reset all options to their default value.

Connection to EM

Connect: This button will attempt to connect to the EM server.

Connection Status

This field will display the status of the last connection attempt with the EM server.

Once the options are properly configured, the connection to the EM server will be made at application start-up if the EM server is already running. If the EM server is not running, the connection may be made manually using the Connect button in the options dialog.


If the software shuts down unexpectedly after transferring many images, select the File options on the left-hand side of the options dialog and de-select the Save AutoRecover information check box from the Image Saving options.